Wardrobe declutter in under 30 minutes!

Mar 04, 2021

When your wardrobe is bulging at the seams but it feels as if you have nothing to wear, it's time for a declutter. Follow these simple steps to achieve wardrobe bliss...

A wardrobe declutter is something we should all be doing on a quarterly basis but let's face it, it's not everyone's idea of fun! I've put together my top tips for a quick and stress free declutter, and I challenge you to complete it in under 30 minutes!

1. Clear your bed (or floor) to allow FOUR categories of clothes which we are going to remove (clothes bank, charity shop, eBay and loft/maybe). 

2. Set yourself a timer.  Start with the clothes bank pile for anything which has become a little scruffy around the edges but still perfectly functional.  It might be an old favourite but try to move beyond the sentimentality.  If it's scruffy, it's time to go.  

3. Move through the entire wardrobe.  The absolute key here is to be ruthless and quick thinking.  The more you deliberate,  the less successful your declutter will be!

4. Next up is the charity shop pile.  These are items which are in good condition but you've either fallen out of love with or they no longer fit.  Find them a new home.  And remember, if you don't feel good in something, don't keep it.  It'll just clog up your wardrobe (and head) space!

5. Then focus on items which are saleable (anything which you paid a little more for but don't get the wear from).  I love to recoup some money when I can... you can even put it aside for the next chosen purchase).  

6.  Your loft/maybe pile is for any items which are out of season or you know you should part with but just can't bear it quite yet.  N.B Any items in the loft/maybe pile MUST be re-assessed at the next wardrobe edit and are only allowed to remain in that status ONCE.

7. Lastly, remove any unnecessary hangers and for an organised finish, arrange items in type of garment (i.e. tops/skirts/jeans/dresses/jackets) and group colours.


Wendy x  
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